01623 463427

Genealogy & records

We keep records of all funerals that have taken place at Mansfield & District Crematorium or within one of our active cemeteries. We are happy to help with your family history searches.


Though we are more than happy to help you with your research, due to the way the records have historically been recorded it is not possible to let you search the records personally.

This is primarily because they contain details of living persons (owners of rights of burial, applicant's details for cremations etc.) which are protected under the Data Protection Act.

We hold records for the following areas:

  • Mansfield & District Crematorium
  • Nottingham Road Cemetery, Mansfield
  • Leeming Lane Cemetery, Mansfield Woodhouse
  • Pleasley Hill Cemetery
  • Warsop Cemetery


Download PDF Request for family history research form

You can submit the form to us either by email, or at the following address, either in person or by post:

Mansfield & District Crematorium
Derby Road
NG18 5BJ

Office hours are Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm.  We are closed on weekends and bank holidays.


We need as much information as possible to carry out the search. If possible, we need:

  • The full name of the deceased.
  • The age and date of death (if you don't know the date of death, please provide an approximate year).
  • The general location the deceased was last known to be living at.

Unfortunately, if we cannot find your results easily due to lack of initial information, we may charge for each year we search as per our Fees and charges.

Information we can give you

If we hold the information, we will provide you will all details we are legally able to about the deceased.

In the event that we find other members of the family within the same grave, we will also provide you with the details relating to them. Cremation records are for the individual only.

For burials we will give you details on how to locate the grave(s), and for cremations we will give you details on how to locate the strewing area if the cremated remains have been left with us.

Other family history resources

There are numerous genealogy websites which can help you with your family research. A few are: